Monday, April 23, 2012

She Streams Conference Recap

In late March I attended the She Streams Conference held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The conference was well organized with good sponsors, strong speakers, and relevant workshops. I came away with lots of practical advice on how to "up my game." I can't wait to put it all into action!

Thank you to Maria Bailey and the excellent team at BSM Media (especially my very patient contact, ElizaBeth!) Thank you as well to AT&T for supporting the conference and providing a Samsung Focus phone for me to document my journey. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

#VlogMom~Parenting Advice

This week's VlogMom topic comes from Kadi Prescott of Our Seven Seeds. Kadi asked us to share three pieces of parenting advice we wish someone had shared with us. As usual, I stretch the question a little bit. AND I filmed in the chicken coop. Because that's what you do, right?

I'd love to hear your favorite parenting advice, and be sure to check out some of the other VlogMom participants below!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yacht Club Resort 1993 ~ Wordless Wednesday

Yacht Club 93
photo by Amy Hodges

Okay, I can't resist a few words today! In the spring of 1993, three of my girlfriends and I visited Walt Disney World and stayed at the Yacht Club Resort. I loved it and have stayed there several more times. I was thrilled beyond words to discover that the 2012 Disney Social Media Moms Celebration would be held at the Yacht Club. I am so excited to be attending (NEXT WEEK!) and glad to be returning to the Yacht Club. 

Yacht Club 93-1
photo by Amy Hodges

I have to share one more picture from that trip. We ate supper in Cinderella's castle and the park was closed when we left. I couldn't resist taking a picture on Main Street, USA with a virtually empty park!

Check out some of the other Wordless Wednesday posts below, or add your own!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

#VlogMom~An Embarrassing Moment

This weeks topic is from Erin at A Parenting Production. Erin asked us to share an embarrassing moment. Fortunately(?), I had several to choose from! Be sure to check out the other #VlogMom moments in the links below. You can also visit the official Vlog Mom page to learn more about our community!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The New Girls~Wordless Wednesday

new chicks
photo by Amy Hodges

Be sure to check out some of the other great Wordless Wednesday posts below, or add your own!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

#VlogMom~Stranded with 3 Books

This week's #VlogMom question is posed by Candice from Fashionably Organized. If you were stranded on a desert island, which three books would you want to have with you? Check out my answers in the video, then see what the other #VlogMom members have to say! I need something new to read so be sure to let me know which 3 books you would choose in the comments!