All About Amy

This is a random box of my stuff.  I just grabbed stuff near my night stand that I thought represented me. (and of course the cat had to investigate)

I am a woman, a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend, a mentor, a volunteer, a geek and a woman of faith just to mention a few of the boxes I am in.  I have found I am most comfortable in my jeans and a T-shirt wearing ratty old flip flops.  I do have a pair of black flip flops that are my "church flip flops" that I try to keep in better condition.  I am a mom like all others that would like to be able to do it all, but I have thoroughly accepted that I cannot.  I have spent years as an advisor to middle and high school aged young people but am still completely unprepared for my own children to be adolescents.  I think that so much in life could be solved by responding and acting with love, and I think I need to take my own advice.  I am very good at creating and encouraging community.  Long ago I helped my husband lead recreation at several Presbyterian youth events and we have continued to serve in leadership roles at youth events.  Things I love: family, laughing, Disney, music, games of all kinds, the beach, the mountains, encouraging other people.

You can read more about why I chose to name my blog A Million Boxes at Why a new blog?


Convertible Girl said...

Love that you have The Muppet Show in there. My kids like watching the season 1 set that I bought before they were born ;)

Anonymous said...

That sounds totally like ME! I love my jeans and flip flops! I love the box idea...Muppets and GLEE....perfect!

Tori Jensen said...

Hi Amy,
Is there an email contact I can get for you? I wanted to send you something that you might be interested in and your readers might as well.

Amy @amymchodges said...

Hi Tori, thank you for pointing out something that I need to fix! You can contact me at amy @ Tomorrow I will be adding that to all of my pages instead of just my disclosure page! I look forward to hearing from you!

bernmom said...

I stumbled upon your blog through another blog I follow and it's great! Random question for you .... where did you get the sign in the background of your Top 10 things to bring on vacation blog ("Give me your heart and I"ll give you mine ...") It''s beautiful and I would greatly appreciate hearing where you found it. Thanks!