When I entered this world o blogging I had no idea I would need a disclosure policy.
A what? A policy that tells you, the reader, if I make any money or receive any sort of compensation for posting on my blog.
ummm, why? As this blog grows, I might have the opportunity to write about products, services, companies or organizations and they might compensate me in some way.
oh, how? Compensation can come in many different forms. It might be in paid advertising, providing products for review and/or giveaways, opportunities for travel and or learning more about their brand.
So? So, I don't want anyone thinking that compensation would influence what I would write about a product or brand.
Well, what do you do? I have to write a disclosure policy.
A what?
A disclosure policy, all works in A Million Boxes are written by and the property of Amy Hodges. I will be sharing my opinion on this blog. I might receive compensation for sharing my opinion. You will never have to guess if I have been compensated. I will disclose exactly what and how I was compensated and it will be noted on posts. Sometimes I will be sharing my opinion about products/services/organizations just because I love them. That will also be clearly noted. You will not have to guess if I have been compensated in ANY way. Easier for all of us that way! If you are a company and you would like to contact me about a product or a review, you may do so at Amy @ amillionbox dot com.